วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

movable Phones - Advantages and Disadvantages

Mobile phones are an invention of this current century that many habitancy never believed would come to be the technological sensation that it has become today. If you only look back a few years, a movable phone was unquestionably considered a luxury and not the necessity that it has come to be. It was unquestionably not affordable by everyone. And then suddenly out of nowhere approximately everyone has a movable phone and not many can fantasize a life without it. It seems that everyone is carrying a cell phone and we have become a nation and world of cell phone addicts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this addiction that we now have?


Cell Phone Backup

If we are suddenly involved in an accident of some type, we have approximately immediate way to accident services such as the police, fire or medical services. If there is a dangerous man on the loose in any distinct neighborhood law enforcement can touch each of us with instructions on what to do to stay safe. Data keen an Amber Alert or weather alerts can be approximately abruptly spread community or state-wide.

Wireless Communications

We have the potential to stay in touch with our families and closest friends at all times through wireless texting, email and unquestionably talking to each other. In some cases, this could be also a disadvantage but for now it will be listed as an advantage.

Safety Feature

For those who live alone, or the elderly or disabled it is approximately a safety feature as these habitancy can be checked on while the day by house or neighbors. Or if they have an accident they can immediately get help. By carrying this small transportation expedient with them there are no more reasons to be stuck after a fall lying on the floor with no help insight. Families of these same habitancy do not have to have man with them all the time anymore as it often was in the past.

But just as it is with all things else in life, with the advantages come the disadvantages. For every one advantage there are several disadvantages.

Driving and Cell Phones

Cell phones have become a bit of a hazard when in the car. Text messaging and answering or production a call with the phone while driving have already killed many habitancy due to car accidents. In fact some states have passed laws against texting or using a cell phone while driving. There are devices where the phone can be hooked up to the car's sound law so when the phone rings you can touch a button on the steering wheel and the call will go through the car sound law allowing you to impart while still having your eyes on the road.

Health Hazard

There have been more incidents of cancer of the brain since the use of cell phones have become so wide-spread but condition officials are not sure if this is due to cell phone use. The phone does omit some very low, non-toxic levels of radiation so it would be a reasonable deduction that those who are heavy cell phone users could organize some condition effects.

Stress Level

For some people, perhaps more than we realize, constantly being connected to a ringing phone can be quite stressful. As long as that cell phone is with us, we can never have any time alone and that time of calm is needful to unwind sometimes.

So, as with all things new there are advantages and disadvantages of having a movable phone.

movable Phones - Advantages and Disadvantages

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