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How to Stop Calling Your Ex! You Will Never Get Them Back If You Keep on Calling Them Over & Over

This sounds like a simple task, but it as a matter of fact isn't. The need to call them, to reach out to them, can be an breathtaking one. It goes deeper than just a want, or a desire, there is a need to talk to him, even if it's just to hear their voice. It compels you pick up the phone and dial the number.

You have to; it's as though your will is no longer your own. So, how do you stop yourself from calling? Is there whatever you can do to stop yourself? Is it even still up to you at this point, or does instinct take over and force you to press redial on your phone? Here are a few things you can do to try to calm yourself down and not call your ex.

Cell Phone Backup

Unplug the phone
Yes, it can be that simple. If you unplug the phone, wrap the cord nearby it and stuff in the closet, you won't be able to call them. You won't be able to call anyone. It's a drastic measure, but it will ensure that you're unable to call.

The pen is mightier than the cell phone
When the urge to call them hits you, whip out a pen and paper and write it all down. Many times you just want to talk to them because there are things you need to get off your chest. Write it down in a notebook, or write them a letter. It's a good way to get all your emotions out, but without having to pick up the phone to do it.

What's on cable?
Find something good on television to watch. whatever that will distract you from wanting to use the phone. an additional one surmise people call so much is because there is nothing else to occupy their time. Find something more constructive to do with your time.

The facts super highway
Get on the internet. Between Facebook, MySpace and all the other group sites that are out there, as a matter of fact you can find something to entertain yourself with. If nothing else, you can play cards.

Call for backup
If you feel yourself getting weak, call up some friends and have them come by. Just having someone there with you will help you contend your compel and help you resist the urge to call them. And if it doesn't, you'll have someone there to slap the phone out of your hand.

A watched pot never boils
If you're sitting there staring at the phone, of course you're going to want to call them. Get out of the house; go see a movie, take a walk, sit by a lake and skip stones. Do something other than sit in the house and think about not calling them. It will be adequate to drive you nuts if you don't stop.

Just let it go
You may just have to take the "it's good to have loved and lost" coming to the situation. If they aren't calling you, maybe you should take that as a hint that they've moved on, and you should also do the same.

How to Stop Calling Your Ex! You Will Never Get Them Back If You Keep on Calling Them Over & Over

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