วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

6 Tips to Tame Technology in Your Mortgage enterprise

It's here to stay and if anything, methodically advancing send and providing us with so many opportunities we are sometimes overwhelmed to the point of confusion. Technology is what we are talking about.

Yet, most people don't even take advantage of the technology they currently have. Technology has changed the way we live. The key is to remember is that technology is a tool, which we can use and control. If you are one of the many people who are dazed by the exhausting array of technological gizmos let's take a step back and look at the basics of this "techie" thing.

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1. Use what you have: The object of technology is to help you do things more efficiently so you can growth your effectiveness, productivity and profit. Don't be afraid of technology...instead take full advantage of the technology that's in your life already. Are you using all of the features of your cell phone or your office phone? Can you program your Vcr so you can watch exactly what you want and when you want to watch it?

2. Choose your computer and software: When you are thinking of buying or upgrading your computer or software here's the best way to make sure you get what you easily need. First, list all things you want your computer to do. Talk to others including friends and business associates to find out what computer they are using and why. Read some computer magazines for the reviews and ratings of varied computer companies, products, software and services. Conclude which software you will be using and Choose your computer based on the software you will be using. Now, you'll know you are getting right computer for you.

Laptop or Desktop: This choice, like many others pertaining to technology, has to do with what you want and need. If you want to bring your data into the field and use your computer on presentations a laptop is essential. In reality, however, very few of the Mortgage Professionals I know who bought a laptop to do presentations are easily using them.

My idea is to use both. You can bring a laptop; use it for some of your visuals or just to show them that you are "hip" to the newest "tech" stuff. If you are part of a business that has their own digital presentation you're all set. The extra cost of a laptop makes sense if you use it to do business away from your office. If not, you can save a bundle and have a great computer from one of the many reputable vendors out there. One thing I did learn a concentrate of summers ago with many power outages caused by hurricanes hitting Florida, was that my laptop enabled me to stay in business by plainly engaging it to a temporary location that had power and internet service. It's amazing how many people will allow you to hook-up for a short time to check your email and guide a slight business. This potential backup potential has convinced me that I will always have a laptop.

3. Using the old and the new: Your computer gives you access to an improbable amount of data but you don't want to lug it nearby and boot it up every time you're looking for a phone number. What's a Mortgage professional to do? Use your experience administration program to store your names, phone numbers, wants, needs, etc. Then print a hard copy article of your calendar for that day and to-do list with appointments etc. While the day, make notes on the article and when you get back to your computer, be sure to update the file reflect the changes you need. No need to throw out the old when you bring in the new.

4. Rescue time using technology: The other day I generated a mailing to over 1000 customers and prospects. This straightforward task would have me taken days for me to achieve had it not been for my computer system. And yes, I do have an expensive laser color printer as a part of my home system. Balance your theory with the peripherals you need to fully utilize the data you have collected.

5. Create your Web presence: You can easily promote your business on the Web and know that people nearby the world will have access to your services. It's because the internet gives more people access to more "stuff" than any other forum in the world. Make sure you tie your personal website in with your company's site if at all possible. The crusade engines will find your web site and so will your potential customers.

6. Money management: One aspect of the "business" world most Mortgage Professionals neglect is money management. Using a financial program will help you in three remarkable ways. It will give you a faster way to do your banking and pay your bills. This will save you so much time and power writing checks, balancing your accounts etc. In addition you will easily track your spending, assets, debits and bills plus Create budgets, projections and scenarios for your monetary future. Ultimately when tax time comes nearby all you need to do is give your accountant the data or import it into one of the tax preparation programs.

Technology covers so many aspects of our life. For you, the key is to focus on the technology in your mortgage business and maximize your benefits. You'll find that with a slight measurement and endeavor you can reap some great technological rewards.

6 Tips to Tame Technology in Your Mortgage enterprise

Thanks To : backup mobile Moblie Mount Rack mount 19

