วันอังคารที่ 12 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

How to Backup a Wii Game - A Personal Story

I was so angry.

My beloved Wii game refused to play.

Cell Phone Backup

I restarted the machine, checked all the plugs and put my cell phone in silent mode  - I do not know why I did that but I  have seen it on Tv and it seemed cool.

But still, the disk refused to play.

More scared than desperate, I called a computer guru friend hoping for some help.

- "Did you check the disks ?", said his metallic voice, production some neurons deep in my head to wake up.

- "What do you mean ?", I replied with a tone that population use only when they comprehend that there is no hope after all.

- "Your disks are probably dead from overuse. If you have a close look at them, you will see what I mean.", said mister I-know-it-all. As a side belief I remember mental that it takes many hours of programming in order to get such a metallic voice.

I hang up and started to discover my Wii game disks. I could see what he meant as I could see the  little, tiny scratches all over them.

How much would it take to replace all my Wii games? I did a quick calculation in my head and two neurons  killed themselves in the process: I did not have sufficient money to replace all these games.

I was so unhappy that I did not observation that my silent phone was ringing.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you that there is a workaround", said the voice of the guru.

He then explained me that there is a obvious software that I can use that will save me money, time and it doesn't need any form of hardware apart from my own Pc or laptop. All it takes is to backup a Wii game.

I looked up the price and it seemed a bargain. With approximately no cost I could get this software that would backup my Wii games with no problem. Furthermore, it seemed that it could work with other consoles too and it could make Dvds out of my films.

Gosh, I remember thinking: does it know how to prepare a coffee?

I bought it and it turns out that to backup a Wii game is very simple: you put the old disk in your laptop and use the software to get a copy, you then put a fresh disk and easy backup wizard makes you a brand new backup.

Some foremost points are the following:

- You must make sure that the disk is compatible in write mode.

- You do not to buy a mod chip with this one.

This is it in two easy steps.

As man said the darkest hour is the one before the dawn. I do not know if that is true but it sure helps to know man with a metallic voice.

How to Backup a Wii Game - A Personal Story

See Also : Big Disk screen mount Wall mount 19 inch Rack frames 19 inch

