วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Do I well Need a Smart Phone?

Have you been contemplating about getting that sleek new T-Mobile G1 or that At&T Tilt? Do you as a matter of fact need it? You'll be surprised how much there is to reconsider when you opt for a smart phone. There are many pros and cons to getting that smart phone that many associates at your local cell phone dealer won't tell you because this person is trying to sell you the most costly phone in the store and its equally costly monthly plan.

I personally own a smart phone and I'm not saying they're no good. The truth is there are many good reasons to own one of these phones. I like to stay connected and a smart phone is one of the best ways to do it. I use my phone constantly, checking emails in the middle of meetings, surfing the web while waiting to be seated at my popular restaurant, and even using my phone's Gps function to get to the restaurant. However, I didn't get a smart phone until recently, I as a matter of fact didn't think I needed a smart phone until I started my company, my internet store for cell phone accessories. A smart phone became a necessity so I could stay connected online to make sure my customers received prompt responses.

Cell Phone Backup

Now that I have established that I'm not anti-smart phone, I would like to point out why you may not want or need one. A smart phone normally uses more power than a quarterly cell phone, this means enduringly charging it. A Motorola Razr can stay on for 3 days; a smart phone used gently will stay on for 1 day at best. If you plan to go on a long trip without an outlet where you can payment your phone, be sure to leave your power chugging phone at home.

Most smart phones also want that you get a data plan. This can potentially add an additional one 20 to 30 dollars to your bill. Unless you plan to use the internet on a daily basis you will be paying this extra money for no speculate at all. Sure this phone makes you look sophisticated, but you as a matter of fact don't need to pay an extra 200 or 300 dollars a year for it. Save your money and buy the newest and sleekest phone every New Year with the savings.

Additionally, smart phones are normally quite bulky, adding a lot of weight and taking away a lot of pocket space. This might force you to wear one of those dorky cell phone belt clips instead of being able to slip the phone right into your pocket. Sure there is the keyboard for those of you who like to text but you can get that same feature with some of the newer phones that have a Qwerty keyboard. Although it does not seem like it adds a lot of weight or bulk in your pocket, after carrying your phone months and months, it will get in your way sometimes. If you don't plan to use your phone for widespread internet use, stick with a quarterly cell phone. They're normally very sleek and most carriers offer a small internet plan which allows you to still stay connected without having to worry about people request you why you have a brick in your pocket.

Do I well Need a Smart Phone?

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