วันจันทร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

keeping Track of Contacts

These days, we all have many separate contacts. We have family, friends, firm associates, Internet contacts and more. Each of those has, at least, a name, an address and home and cell phone numbers. Many of them also have alternate phone lines, e-mail addresses, websites, instant messaging or collective network website nicknames and more. How do we keep track?

For most people, the first reaction is to jot down data everywhere and any time that they can. I'm guilty of it, too. More than once now I have found a slip of paper with a phone whole on it and can't recall whose whole it is or why I wrote it down. That's why I finally decided to get organized.

Cell Phone Backup

The easiest way to keep a list of contacts is, of course, on the computer. Just get a spreadsheet schedule and generate columns for each category, such as name, address, phone #, e-mail. Under each heading, put in each new feel that you get.

The advantage here is that you'll have all in one file and can no ifs ands or buts make changes. However, the disadvantage is that you'll have all in one file. That means that, should something happen to your computer, you'll lose all of your feel data for people.

The explication is to keep a backup on a second computer, if you have one, or on a Cd. You can also use an online backup aid that will give you more piece of mind. That way, you'll always have your contacts at your finger tips, no matter what happens.

keeping Track of Contacts

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