วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

On the Value of Radio For Survival

Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to contend some sort of constant communications. Which of the following forms would you pick as being the most reliable?

Cell phone Some form of radio

Cell Phone Backup

You would be surprised at the number of people who would pick the cell phone any way these individuals would be stranded without communications of any sort if this was their only means of communications.

In all reality cell phones do in fact use landlines. The next time that your immediate area loses power while a weather connected storm look closely at your cell phone and see if it is working. Depending upon which cell phone provider you are using you will possibly lose your cell phone signal thoroughly or at best have drastically reduced signal strength.

What this tells me is that your cell phone communications capabilities are little and are only as corollary as your local cell fellowships towers. Let's remember here that these cell phone towers wish electricity just like whatever else. Granted many of them may have backup generators in order to prevent loss of communications but then again some may not.

All cell phones at one time or other will go straight through the familiar land line system. The introductory signal will be picked up at the local tower and from the tower it will be routed straight through a series of landlines which ultimately goes to the person's telephone that you are trying to contact.

The concept here is that when that tower drops down for what ever presume it may do so, your phone will have to quest for the next ready tower which could very well be a valuable length away. This will corollary in a decreased signal level assuming that it does in fact find a tower. If it fails in its quest to find a functional tower then you have no telephone at all. In addition, you must reconsider the possibilities that once your signal leaves the tower and heads towards its final destination by way of landlines then possibly some it may find that some of them are inoperative as well.

Think back for a occasion to September 11, 2001 when the terrorist club decided to charge New York and Washington Dc. while this time of crisis our government nothing else but turned off all potential cell phone coverage. It was so easy for them to do that it is scary and one has to wonder why we would ever reconsider the use of cell phones in times of emergency.

There are any routes that you can take in order to compensate for this downfall of cell phones. You could buy and use satellite phones any way they too are field to the government's whims and they are rather costly to boot. Best yet would be the alternative and that is radio communications.

Ham radio or even Cb would be the perfect mobile answer. It can not be switched off by the authorities nor will you lose your potential to recapitulate if towers are destroyed or come to be nonfunctional. Granted there are some ham operations which employs and uses towers and repeaters but when all is consider4ed radio appears to be the best retain you can find while crisis situations.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish


On the Value of Radio For Survival

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