วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How to Avoid a Hijacking - A Car Jacking perceive

I watched a Tv movie recently entitled Hijack Stories. It was pretty brutal but gave some comprehension into why clear members of the habitancy turn to such violent crime. It was a real eye-opener to see how some guys grow up in violent neighborhoods - some turn to crime, some conduct to leave to a general life.

Most hijackings occur in residential driveways as habitancy are waiting for their electric gates to open or close. There are commonly more than one hijacker and they are commonly armed. When approaching a gate, try to start it occasion before you get to it so that you dont have to come to a perfect stop in the driveway. Pay attention, look colse to to see if there are any strange habitancy lurking in the area. If you are nervous and there are habitancy walking in the street, drive on past the driveway entrance and circle the block to see if they move on. If they are still hanging colse to you should think the possibility that they may have ulterior motives and then decree if you want to drive away, call or backup or take your chances with them.

Cell Phone Backup

Also be alert to vehicles that may be following you as you drive - especially if you have come from the airport - specifically Or Tambo Airport. If you think you are being followed, drive round a block. If the car follows you round four sides of a block you can be fairly clear they are following you. Drive level to the nearest Police Station.

If you are accosted by hijackers, dont make any sudden moves, keep your hands in sight as these guys are commonly hyped up on adrenaline and trigger-happy. Do exactly what they tell you, do not appear to be looking at them but try to get an idea of their age, height, race and an idea of what they are wearing. Surrender the car - it can be replaced, your life cannot.

Hijackers operate for varied reasons - some steal cars to make a living, some for gang initiation, some steal cars to use them in other crimes such as cash-in-transit crimes and some steal cars for fun. Some hijackings are planned with soldiery precision, some are opportunistic.

Aside from driveway hijackings, some other methods employed are:

Causing a small urgency with the intended victim, like a minor bumper-bashing If there is more than one man in the offending vehicle, think driving on, try to get their registration, and narrative the incident to the police and your assurance company. Accosting a stationary car at traffic lights or stop streets Be alert at all times when sitting in a stationary vehicle. Pay attentiveness to whatever walking near the car - look them in the eyes and be ready to take evasive action. If stopped in traffic, try to leave sufficient space in front of the car so that you can turn the wheels and move off into an additional one lane or onto the sidewalk if necessary. Approaching a man waiting in a parking lot or in the street in a parked car Be alert at all times when sitting in a stationary vehicle, whether parked in the street or in a parking lot. Keep the doors locked and windows up. Pay attentiveness to whatever approaching the vehicle. Pretending to be a motorist in distress This is especially difficult as you never know if the man requesting aid is as a matter of fact in trouble or not. Any way bear in mind that most habitancy have a cell-phone today, so they can call for help from man they know or summon help from a roadside aid enterprise like the Automobile Association. Do not feel obliged to get complex - it could cost you your life. Another driver indicating to you there is something wrong with your vehicle Thank them and drive on to somewhere you feel it is safe to get out and see what they were pointing to. Make sure they havent followed you to where you stop.

By being alert to your surroundings you can avoid most situations in which a hijacking could be committed. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid dark or lonely places. Make sure your own driveway is well-lit, and that the lighting comes on automatically as the sun sets, so that if you are delayed you will still arrive at a well-lit home. Stay Safe!

How to Avoid a Hijacking - A Car Jacking perceive

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