วันศุกร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Ways to Avoid an Emr Data Disaster

In the event of a natural disaster, your curative institution must be able to recover leading facts straight through disaster saving efforts. You'll also need to get back into performance as fast as possible to mouth company continuity.

A fair number of curative practices received their first test of disaster saving planning while the Katrina hurricane. The majority of those used paper records and are still trying to recover from the disaster. Those few that had electronic curative records (Emr) systems were able to recover their records, at least, and are now well on their way to normality.

Cell Phone Backup

A large New Orleans-based oncology institution averted definite financial disaster by having this type of saving ideas ready. The It admin and her team were able to back up their leading records and fly with tapes and servers full of archives. They also had the forethought to bring the binders with instructions for rebuilding the systems. Before long, most of the city was under water. The institution relocated temporarily to Florida, and set up a remote network. Because 'land line' telephones were not functioning, they were forced to rely on cell phones for communications.

What, then, is a disaster saving plan? A good plan needs to spell out exactly who does what, what needs to be done, where it is done, and both why and how. When a institution deals with either Emr or Epm systems, the former focus is on the security of electronic information.

At our practice, we do a daily backup to tape for both the Asc and the practice; this happens at the end of each work day. Copies of the backup tales are taken to the alternate location by courier, and locked in a fire-safe container. When a institution uses this sort of system, one can never lose more than a day's worth of data. Other more sophisticated (and expensive) backup solutions can add layers on top of this. These sorts of solutions include remote backup services online. However, these solutions are often out of the price range for most small and medium-sized practices.

It is critical that backup ideas be tested periodically. We test our old day's backup by restoring it to another server used for training. If there are faults in the training database, we have a known problem with the backup system. In addition, many backup media such as tapes have a puny lifespan and must be replaced periodically. Don't just toss out the old tapes, though - they must be erased properly and discarded in a way that will keep your practice's facts protected.

Don't forget, your plan should comply with Hipaa regulations. We've all heard about laptops which went missing from the Va ideas and the possibilities for sick person facts to fall into the wrong hands. Our couriers are our own employees, and both the tape box and the room where they're kept have isolate keys.

A far more likely threat than a flood is a lightning assault or uncomplicated server failure. Are there redundant backup servers? Do you have a redundant power supply? What is your plan for company continuity? What if entry to your institution is blocked? Will you be forced to cancel appointments, and if so, for how long?

If your institution has multiple locations, a satellite office can come to be a 'hot' site, taking over the function of another office if one is rendered inoperable. Still, you may need to set up a 'cold' site, using anything office space is available to suit your changing needs. You may also want to think a 'sister' office arrangement, an deal in the middle of colleagues or friendly competitors to enter a mutually useful arrangement in the case of a disastrous event.

Important paper records should be stored in a water and fire-proof safe. Unfortunately, this isn't feasible for storing sick person records. Documents that can't be replaced should be stored in a isolate safe location.

Finally, think company continuity insurance. This will help with cash flow to pay the bills until revenue is back up. This type of insurance could be the disagreement in the middle of financial ruin and eventual saving after a disaster.

Ways to Avoid an Emr Data Disaster

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