วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Permroot and S-OFF for HTC G2. No PC

Permroot and S-OFF for HTC G2. No PC Video Clips. Duration : 10.92 Mins.

Make sure you have downloaded opera mini browser and android terminal emulator from the android market(both free). Now make sure that in your phones setting under applications that you have the unknown souces checked(this will allow for easy installation of visionary after download) Also make sure in phone settings under applications /development, that you have the usb de-bugging box checked. the first time you open visionary just check set system r/w after root and temproot on boot, then temproot now. the second time you open visionary you uncheck temproot on boot, then attempt permroot now. The link to hboot-eng.img and wpthis-OTA.ko (These will download in the correct format) are on this page forum.xda-developers.com The link for visionary and instructions for what to type in terminal emulator is on this page forum.xda-developers.com ........ Heres what you type into the terminal emulator with spaces, and hit enter after each line.Dont actually type the word space or quotation marks. su cd"space"/sdcard (hit enter key here) insmod"space"/sdcard/wpthis-OTA.ko *After typing the last line, you should see an error saying failed: (function not implemented). If you DO see that, you have done it correctly and can continue. here is the next terminal entry . Dont actually type the word space or quotation marks. dd(space)if=/sdcard/hboot-eng.img(space)of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 (this is one line no enter key) [the last part is mmcblk(zero)p(one)(eight)] here is the next entry ...


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